
US Oil Production

Econbrowser on US Oil Production.

US Oil Production in 2023, Net Exports of Petroleum Products through 2024Q1

A couple of charts from the post, for those who think Biden destroyed the US oil industry.



Propaganda from the The Daily Caller.

The third headline on the Daily Caller site this morning.









"... Blue State DA .." 

The Daily Caller would like you to think the "Blue state DA" is another left winger gone mad.

You would be wrong. 

She is a republican. Imagine that!?

From Wikipedia.

In 2015, Doorley switched her party affiliation to the GOP, and was reelected later that year in an election. "Don't judge me by the political party that I'm affiliated with," she said. "Look at the work that I've done."[3]
Fuck the Daily Caller. Lying Bastards.




Antisemitism on Campus?

Not really, unless antisemitism is now defined as being critical of Israel killing innocent people with US weapons.




American Crapitalism

Cory Doctorow on American Crapitalism: Precaratize bosses



The real or next question should be ...

     "What does get the country back on track" mean?

I'd guess for most, especially MAGA's, it just means "their team is in charge".












US and Israel

After six months of near genocide, "outraged" sounds a lot like the Republican's "thoughts and prayers" after every US gun massacre.

Biden rebukes Israel, says he’s ‘outraged’ over killing of Gaza aid workers

More US embarrassment.

and then this ...

Israel's intentional killing of 7 aid workers confirmed by Bellingcat watchdog report

Now what? 

The ball back is in your court Mr. Kirby.

Also this ...

Most Americans want the Israeli war to stop but our leaders have elections to win.

Poll: Most Americans don’t agree with Biden Administration’s support for Israel’s Military Campaign

and ...

Experts say the US is hurting its international standing by insisting that a recent call for a ceasefire in Gaza is 'non-binding'


Trump Bibles

Good cartoon with an opinion article.

Trump sells Bibles; evangelicals sell their souls from David Horsey

"P.T. Barnum, the great 19th century showman, circus owner and hoax promoter, is quoted as saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Donald J. Trump, the great 21st century con man, political phenomenon and hoax promoter, would heartily agree. Trump has built a weirdly successful career in business, entertainment and politics based on his uncanny ability to convince legions of suckers to buy into his self-aggrandizing schemes, from Trump University, the Trump charity and the Big Lie, to his latest scam tricking thousands of poor chumps into chipping  in to pay his millions of dollars in legal bills."


Trump's Economy

The charts below show that during Trump's "Greatest economy the world has ever seen" (2017 to 2020) US corporate profits were generally lower than during the Obama years.

Resurging Corporate Profits Show Inflationary Pressures Are Reheating after Lull: Corporate Profits by Major Industry