
Liars and the Media

or "Corporate Media Sucks" or "We Are Fucked"

The case...

Senator Jon Kyl makes a statement to congress to argue his position against funding Planned Parenthood. Kyl says "If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood, that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does". The real number is about 3%. Kyl's statement is not true, a lie.

Fox News plays the "90% video" to its viewers. [Kyl Lies to Congress. Fox Plays it to its viewers]. Fox viewers now know the facts, Planned Parenthood is a baby-killer.

CNN reports the Kyl 90% statement and has a Planned Parenthood representative on to tell their side of the story, that the real number is about 3%. [CNN Discusses the facts].

CNN doesn't really call Kyl out on the lie they just let the PP representative respond and then they read the Kyl camp's response, which was
"his remark was not intended to be a factual statement"
or, as translated by tnb,
"Yep, his response was a lie, fuck you"
CNN Viewers now sort of know the facts since CNN just let the PP rep talk, didn't press Kyl on his remark and didn't report any real facts.

The corporate elites are satisfied at this point and no further reporting is required. CNN can claim they reported both sides and didn't show a liberal bias. FOX News got the mis-information to the wingnut base to promote the cause. Jon Kyl and all the other politicians, know they can get away with a lie anytime they want.

The people don't really have a clue. The Fox News viewers believe 90% of what Planned-Parenthood does is abortions. The CNN viewers think that's probably not true but don't really know for sure. Both viewers saw their number on the news.

Mostly, the people will just believe what they want to believe and take the matter to the Net where the lefty-blogs will bitch about the republican liars, the shitty media and the right-wingers can worry about all those babies PP is killing, bitch about the liberal media and be thankful that Fox News is fair-and-balanced.

Our future? Well, I'm afraid it's just fucked.


Here are a couple more links on this: [Economist's View - Kyl] [Politifact - Kyl]


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