
Palestinian Rockets

Israel's slow taking of occupied Palestinian land.

The Map: A Palestinian Nation Thwarted & Speaking Truth to Power | Informed Comment:

Israeli voices are in unison on US media outlets this morning claiming that their current attack is to stop Hamas rocket fire. This map gives a hint of why the rocket fire exists in the first place. The green areas are/were Palestinian land. Gaza is the small green strip at the left in the far right map.

As Israel takes the Palestinian land, the Palestinians are herded into smaller and smaller areas. Israel seals-off these areas, restricting movement of people, goods, electricity, food across those borders. The Palestinians have little control and basically become prisoners in their own land. Those green dots in the map on the right are now just open air prisons where Israel keeps it's Palestinians.

The Palestinians don't like this but they don't have any way to fight back. They are not part of Israel so don't have a voice in Israeli government. The International political process has failed them, mostly due to the US's continued backing of Israel. They don't have an army in the western sense. They are completely over-matched and dominated by the Israeli military so they fight in the only ways they can. Throwing rocks, an occasional suicide bombing and launching few home-made rockets that have no guidance systems and mostly land harmlessly in the desert.

I think the people of Indiana might act the same way if those damned Ohioans took a couple of Indiana counties with military force. Sealed them off and started taking houses and farmland away from Indiana farmers and giving it to the Ohio settlers.

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