
Wikileaks - A Palestinian State?


Netanyahu said his government is reviewing Israel's
policy toward the Palestinians. There is a consensus in the
government and among 80% of the Israeli public that the
Palestinians should be able to govern themselves. The only
limits on Palestinian sovereignty would be elements that
affect Israel's security. A Palestinian state must be
demilitarized, without control over its air space and
electro-magnetic field, and without the power to enter into
treaties or control its borders.
Netanyahu concluded that he
and opposition leader Tzipi Livni "only disagree about the
name," i.e. the two-state solution.

A Palestinian state that "must be demilitarized, without control over its air space and
electro-magnetic field, and without the power to enter into treaties or control its borders" is not a state. This, in Netanyahu's own words, should be proof enough the Israelis aren't a serious partner in the peace process.

We need to cut all aid to the region.


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