
Israeli Settlements

Abbas rejects U.S. request to withdraw UN settlement resolution - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Palestinians have made it clear that there can be no peace agreement unless Israel stops building settlements on the captured Palestinian land. The land was captured during a war and UN rules are clear that land captured in war cannot be settled. So 120 nations around the globe, including 14 of the 15 security council members, support a resolution demanding that Israel stop building the illegal settlements on the captured Palestinian land. The US government has also made it clear that we want the settlement building to end. Yet that same US government is ready veto the resolution if it's allowed to come up for a vote.

How can this be? Basically the whole world is against the settlements, they are illegal, our government is against them but our leaders are not willing to give into to the Pro-Israel Lobbyists and do the right thing.

And we wonder why most of the middle east hates us.


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