
The Truth

America and its media really has a hard time with the truth these days.

You can't believe a good percentage of the polls seen in the media today. Special interest group's release of slanted polls has destroyed the market.

Biased polls 1

Biased polls 2

Biased polls 3

You also can't believe everything you see on the news.

Mistake or Propaganda 1?

Mistake or Propaganda 2?

Of course there are always those bracelets that magically help your balance.


or those penis enlargers, or that cheap life insurance insurance for very old people or kids, or Head-on Pain reliever, or that you can trust those "we buy/sell gold" adds, or those weight loss plans, or the theories that space aliens built the pyramids, or glenn Beck, ....

What the hell happened to telling the truth or at least getting close to the truth?


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