
Yglesias: Roy Blunt

Yglesias » Roy Blunt: Agribusinesses Subsidies Are More Important Then Feeding Poor People

The basic way that conservative politics works is that first you reduce taxes on rich people, creating a budget deficit. Then you rail against “spending” with reference to specific “weak claims” on the public purse. Then when it comes time to actually write a budget, you slash spending on “weak claimants,” vulnerable people with little political influence. Then you come back and do it all over again.

I would add,.. that as a conservative politician, you should also look at any existing regulatory body, cut its funding and staff, give it's key positions to members of the very group it supposed to be regulating, then, when it fails it's regulatory duty, you scream to the masses "See,.. government regulation doesn't work. We need less regulation not more". rinse and repeat.


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