
Congress in Action

Political Irony › Congress in Action

"Five minutes after voting to cut off federal funding for NPR, the House of Representatives voted to continue funding the War in Afghanistan.

How much will defunding NPR help reduce the deficit? Lemme see, according to the CBO, it will save, hmmm, absolutely nothing. How long did Congress spend debating a measly $5 million in funding for NPR? (A one minute ad during the Super Bowl costs more than that. And the government spends more than that on NASCAR.) How much time did Republican politicians spend working on this? I wouldn’t be surprised if it cost far more than $5 million just in Congressional salaries.

Not to mention that this was entirely political theater, since Obama will undoubtably veto the bill if it gets to his desk.

How much does the Afghanistan war cost us? Ten Billion Dollars. Per Month. That’s 24,000 times as much money as the federal government spends on NPR. If we could have reduced spending in Afghanistan by 0.005% we would have saved more money.

After these votes, your elected Representatives flew home for yet another vacation. If you see one of them, let them know what you think."

And,.. those tomahawk missles we're firing at Libya cost between $500,000 and $750,000 each. Trade you ten of those for some NPR funding.


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