
Israel, Palestine and the UN

European countries want UN, not U.S., to advance Mideast peace talks - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

A couple of things.

Britain, France and Germany want the United Nations and the European Union to propose the outlines of a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, UN diplomats said.

This will never happen. If the UN were to take over the process, the Isaeli lobby money spent buying all those US politicians, who currently control the situation, will have been wasted.

and this.

The big question mark is whether the United States would allow the Europeans and UN to take the lead in trying to resolve the standoff, and that is likely to depend on whether the Israelis give a green light, the diplomats said.

So the Israeli's must give the US a "green light". I guess this demostrates that the Israeli lobby money really does buy those US politicians.


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