
Mitch Daniels

Mitch is trying hard to be seen as a sane, fiscally responsible, realistic republican while not alienating the Tea-Baggers. So how's he doing?

On Spending.

Mitch was Bush's Budget Director when the administration was running up huge deficits. Here's a clip.

Mitch Daniels Would Prefer We Forget About His Time as Bush Budget Director | Video Cafe

This probably won't hurt him with the Tea-Baggers. Though they hate deficits, the Tea-Baggers really only care about them when there's a "D" in the Fox News graphic. I think most would be willing to overlook deficits if their man is in office. This could cause him some trouble with independents. I think many independents are beginning to see the republican hypocisy on deficits.

On Health care, Medicare, and Social Security

Mitch on Health care

Though the "death panel" aspect was a rallying cry for tea-baggers against the current administration, again, it probably won't hurt Daniels. It'll be spun or ignored and again there's no "D" in the Fox News graphic. This could help him with independents as it at least shows a willingness to consider reality. Something few other republican hopefuls have.

On religion

Mitch Daniels - On religion

(Mitch...) "atheism leads to brutality. All the horrific crimes of the last century were committed by atheists -Stalin and Hitler and Mao and so forth- because it flows very naturally from an idea that there is no judgment and there is nothing other than the brief time we spend on this Earth."

He's either a fanatic or playing to the fanatics. Either way, this comment was stupid and will cost him independent votes. The right-wingers will love it though.

On His Experience/Abilities

His estimate of the cost of the middle eastern wars (50 to 60 billion [Mitch Daniels: Projecting the cost of Middle East war]) was so far off (over 1,000 billion so far) it makes him look like an amatuer. Can anyone trust anything he says on anything? Does he know what the hell he's talking about? This will hurt him with independents but again I think the tea-baggers will forgive him.

Overall, I think he's doing the best job of any of the main republican players at sounding sane. I think, right now, he's the best chance the Republicans have. The Palin, Huckabee, Gingrich, Bolton types are too polarizing and probably can't get the middle ground. Pawlenty is too wishy-washy and doesn't excite the crazies. Romney doesn't excite the crazies either and really seems like yesterday's candidate. Daniels will do all right with the wingnuts and though he's probably not their favorite, he's crazier than Pawlenty and Romney and,... the wingnuts sure as hell are not going to vote for the marxist-kenyan. He's also probably the best shot the Republicans have at capturing the middle ground. If cooler conservative heads prevail, I think Daniels is the guy.

Of course, it's early, some fresh republican face could appear, Bill O'Reilly might decide to run but for now I think Daniels has the best shot. It's going to be an interesting cycle


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