
Our Rulers

From one of my favorite humor sites: Political Irony › Using the Budget Crisis for Political Gain

Using the Budget Crisis for Political Gain

Just in case there is any doubt about what is really going on in Wisconsin, here’s a quote from Republican Scott Fitzgerald, who is the majority leader of the Wisconsin Senate:

If we win this battle, and the money is not there under the auspices of the unions, certainly what you’re going to find is President Obama is going to have a much more difficult time getting elected and winning the state of Wisconsin.

With corporations now able to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns, just about the only powerful organizations able to counter this tsunami of corporate money are unions. Corporations historically give twice as much money to Republicans, while unions give more money to Democrats. Is it any surprise that the Republicans are declaring all-out war on unions?

UPDATE: Speaking of Wisconsin, see this. Protestors go to the house of one of the State Senators who voted to strip collective bargaining rights from public employees, and get told by his soon-to-be-ex wife that he doesn’t live there any more — he’s living with his 25 year old mistress who happens to be a right-wing lobbyist. But the trip wasn’t all in vain, his former maid signs the recall petition against him.

Our elites are some damned nice people.


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