
Wikileaks vs Journalism

Urgent leak investigation needed - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

I couldn't find the quote at the link given here but since Glenn Greenwald is not known for just making stuff up, I assume the AP story has been changed (sort of 1984-ish eh?). Anyway... here's the quote from Glenn....

Libyan state television showed blackened and mangled bodies that it said were victims of airstrikes in Tripoli. . . . A U.S. intelligence report on Monday, the day after coalition missiles attacked Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in the capitol, said that a senior Gadhafi aide was told to take bodies from a morgue and place them at the scene of the bomb damage, to be displayed for visiting journalists. A senior U.S. defense official revealed the contents of the intelligence report on condition of anonymity because it was classified secret.

The last line again.....

A senior U.S. defense official revealed the contents of the intelligence report on condition of anonymity because it was classified secret.

So,.. What happen here is exactly what happened in the Wikileaks-Bradley Manning case. A member of the US military revealed military/government information, classified as secret, to a person with the ability to publish that information to the public.

So why hasn't the "senior US defense official" been arrested like Bradley Manning? Why hasn't the journalist been hounded and threatened with arrest like Julian Assange?

Why? Because the "senior US defense official" is one of the power-elites and the journalist is a "journalist to the power-elite". The rules don't apply to them. Rules are only for the working stiffs and those James-Bond-villain-looking types with those websites.


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