
Crazies on Both Sides?

Maybe, but NoMoreMisterNice blog points out that even though there were 9-11 truthers on the left, there were never birther-like numbers, never any with real power, never any in the media or in any generally elite positions. Birthers? now that's a different story.


And yet we never had a majority of Democrats polling as 9/11 truthers. We never had truther legislation in multiple states, or passing any state legislatures. We never had a Democratic presidential candidate rising to the top of the polls on trutherism. (Yes, Howard Dean flirted with it, but he then dropped it, and it was never an issue for him at all, much less his #1 issue, the way birtherism is Trump's.

The same goes for the liberal media myth. Though there may have been a liberal leaning media years ago, they've mostly been pulled to the right because they're afraid of being called out for any bias. More importantly though, they never got to the point of just making stuff up, creating news like The Propaganda Network of the last few years.


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