
Slow day at the Fox News?

Obama Administration Eyeing Gun Control; Under the Radar; Groups Warn - FoxNews.com

This looks like one of those Fox News specialties, the "We create the News to fire up our supporters" piece. There's really nothing new here, no new gun laws, nothing new proposed, Obama hasn't really done anything, the article hints that he's indifferent.

...."That's just something we haven't heard the president say anything about," McCarthy spokesman Shams Tarek told FoxNews.com.

Tarek stressed that the magazine ban wouldn't exactly be treading new ground -- it would reinstate an expired ban. "There's a precedent there," he said. But Tarek said the Obama administration is "very, very much in listening mode," not revealing one way or the other which way it's leaning on gun control.....

So, basically this is just a rabble-rouser that puts "Obama" and "Under-the-radar" together a few times to plant, or keep, the "Obama's doing something sneaky" seed in the mind of the listener.

It must be a slow news day at The Propaganda Network.


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