
Ron Paul - Israel

found here: [2 Political Junkies: Jack Kelly Sunday] source is here [link]

"Rep. Paul has zero chance to win the nomination. His libertarian positions on economic issues are popular, but his anti-military, anti-Israel foreign policy views appeal mostly to crackpots."

I'd say that even though Ron Paul's libertarian positions on economic issues are popular, they are the crackpot views. Returning to the gold standard, ending the FED, cutting government to leave the people at the mercy of big business, these may sound good but they're not going to work in today's world. Those are crackpot ideas. His anti-military, isolationist foreign-policy views, including those on Israel suit me fine.

Paul is not really anti-Israel. He's "anti-American-foreign-aid-to-everyone including Israel". That's only anti-Israel if you believe it's the duty of the the US to give billions of its taxpayer's dollars to Israel and then give additional billions to Israels enemies so that they play nice with Israel.

A good post on Ron Paul here: [Hullabaloo]


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