
Ron Paul

I saw this post the day of the New Hampshire primary (Tuesday 1/10/2012) [Is Ron Paul getting too much media attention? - CSMonitor.com] and decided to check out some news sites to find out.

I went to the front page of each of these sites and searched for "PAUL" and "ROMNEY". Here are the results.

CNN:     1 Paul, 10 Romney.
Fox News:     1 Paul, 9 Romney
MSNBC:     0 Paul, 7 Romney.
AP Yahoo:     0 Paul 9 Romney
Reuters:     0 Paul, 13 Romney
USA Today:     2 Paul, 5 Romney
WSJ:      0 Paul, 1 Romney
NYT:     0 Paul, 5 Romney
WP:     3 Paul, 17 Romney
Boston Globe:     1 Paul, 8 Romney
Chicago Tribune:     0 Paul, 3 Romney

for a total of 8 for PAUL and 87 for Romney.


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