
Big Trucks

[New transportation bill creates safety concerns over bigger rigs - CNN.com]

If we allow larger trucks then we need fewer truck drivers so this would kill some jobs. Larger trucks would be harder on roads so cost taxpayers more in road maintenance. The current trucks can make driving on he interstates a little scary, bigger trucks would be worse. It's hard to see how safety would be affected. Bigger trucks would probably be in more accidents due to less maneuverability, longer breaking distances, etc but there would be fewer trucks on the road which might actually decrease accidents. Could be a wash, time will tell. It would make getting products to consumer more efficiently but who would get the savings, the consumer or the trucking company owners. I'd bet on the owners.

So, it would kill some jobs, make driving on our roads less enjoyable, cost the taxpayers money while increasing profits of the trucking companies, it may or may not decrease road safety. Since the owners make additional profits at the expense of truck drivers it probably increases our nation's income inequality. Overall it sounds bad to me but it sounds like a law our leaders would pass in a minute. Idiots.


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