
Looking ahead to 2014

Democrats Unlikely to Regain House in 2014 - NYTimes.com:

I'd have to agree with Nate Silver who thinks its unlikely that Democrats will regain the house in 2014. 

Everyone, well at least a majority, will turn out for a Presidential election cycle but basically the only people who turn out for the off-cycle elections are,...well,..... old. I guess the old and the "really-pissed-off-at-government" types would be more accurate, at least they were the dominant groups in 2010 and should be again in 2014. So who are these people? The Fox News and Propaganda Network viewer.

The old have the time and care about the off cycle elections so they'll turn out without the propaganda but hell, most of them (at least in my rural mid-west area) spend their day in front of The Propaganda Network listening to all the bad stuff that "colored  boy" is trying to do to "their" America. Most are scared to death of the socialist menace.

The "Pissed-off-at-government" types, again in my area, tend to be people who spend their day with either The Propaganda Network or right-wing talk radio blabbing in the background. They go home at night to read the latest NRA publication and tune into The Propaganda Network to find out what the "Main Stream Media" is hiding from them. They're determined to get that Gun and God Hating Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist out of the White House and take back "White Real America".

Both of these groups are going to vote in big numbers in 2014 and they're not going to vote Democrat.

I don't think the democrats have a chance in hell of winning an off-cycle election unless they find a way to generate some enthusiasm from their base. At least until the current group of retirees die off,... and honestly, I hope they do before they kill Social Security for me.

'via Blog this'

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