
Greenwald Hates America?

dershowitz: Greenwald hates America

One thing I heard Dershowitz say this weekend, I believe on this same segment, was that what Snowden did was far worse than what Jonathon Pollard did. [Pollard - Wikipedia]
Jonathan Jay Pollard (born August 7, 1954) is an American who passed classified information to Israel while working as an American civilian intelligence analyst. He pleaded guilty and received a life sentence in 1987. 
Pollard passed classified US military secrets to a foreign government for cash.

Snowden passed classified information about a US government program designed to spy on the American people, to American People, because he believed that what the government was doing was wrong. 

Dershowitz thinks that is worse than what Pollard did? 

I think we should ask ourselves who really hates America.

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