
The People vs Republicans and Democrats

What If a Party Re-branded Itself, and Americans Never Noticed? — The Monkey Cage:

...structural conditions in the country, especially the state of the economy, may put a Republican in the White House and maintain or expand Republican seat share in Congress—even if the Republicans don’t moderate their policies. You don’t have to be, like me, a skeptic of the “emerging Democratic majority” thesis to believe this.
Yes, Republicans will continue to win elections despite their policies and the Democrats won't dominate our elections with an "emerging majority". However I don't believe it's because the people don't care or don't see the difference. It's that we don't really have much of a choice and Republican or Democrat, the system doesn't work for the people.

Our political system is broken and unable to fix real problems. It just doesn't work for the people. Both parties are funded by, and enact policy for, their corporate/business backers while only giving lip service to voters.. They keep their voters by demonizing the other side with scare tactics, uniting them against the "liberal menace", the Koch brothers, various social policies or foreign powers. It is a system of divide and conquer playing out before our eyes.  (And yes, I agree the Republicans and their Propaganda Network (Fox)  have taken the crazy, demonizing to new levels the last few years but the Democrats, at least those who hold the power in the party, aren't far behind.)

So the economy is slow. Good jobs have disappeared. The bankers, insurance companies, the health care system and basically just about every player in the whole corporate system are looting the middle class and the poor. We've wasted billions at war over the last decade against a vague "terrorism" enemy with nothing to show for it. The people are pissed-off and regardless of which party is in power, the government doesn't respond to them. So they vote them out.

But,... we only have two choices. So, we vote out the party that's in power hoping the other guy is the answer. A few years later when we find they weren't, we vote the original group back in only to find that nothing really changed. ...meet the old boss,......

The Republicans blame Government itself. The Democrats blame big business. Both are responsible. The corporate, business elite have overthrown the Government-of-the-people by capturing both parties and media.  A government run by, and operated for Business should be not be expected to operate for the people.

We-the-people need to take it back.

This cartoon says it all.

'via Blog this'

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