
Snowden and Political Asylum

Venezuela's Maduro: Unlike US Asylees, Snowden didn't Blow anything Up, just said 'This is not Right' | Informed Comment:
Maduro pointed to the US allowing Luis Posada Carriles to live freely in Miami, even though he blew up a plane with 73 persons aboard and thereby nearly killed prominent American journalist Stephen Kinzer. It is thought that the US government protects Posada Cariles because he had worked for the CIA and could reveal many unsavory secrets if he were extradited abroad.
We just don't seem to care about our image around the globe. Bush took it about as low as it get with the wars and bullying. It improved in the early days of Obama but has been falling fast with our failing, greed-based economic system, our frozen political system, the continued meddling in the affairs of other nations, the spying on our own people and allies, and our undying love for the Israeli regime. If it wasn't for the 800 billion we spend on our military, the rest of the planet might be spanking our ass right now.

We used to be the good guys. What the hell happened? 

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