
Israel vs The US and Iran ??

Wow. The US and Iran talk for a few minutes on the phone and Israel and the US war machine comes unglued. Netanyahu races to the US to straighten it out. Israel finds an Iranian spy.  Time magazine prints maybe the stupidest thing I've ever read from a major US publication.
In the big picture, he (netanyahu) was the dad standing at the top of the stairs, glowering at a pair of teenagers who had gotten a little too friendly too quickly on the davenport below (the US and Iran). 
From a concerned dad who everyone knows has #truth on his side, a raised eyebrow can work wonders.
Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/09/30/israels-netanyahu-tries-to-get-between-obama-and-iran/#ixzz2gNI8eTwy

I'd expect some Iranian backed terrorist act against US, Israeli or a US-Friendly regime to either happen or be uncovered in the next month.

A few more links:


Fox Propaganda Network

Juan Cole

Glenn Greenwald
Here is what NBC News anchor Brian Williams told his viewers about this event when leading off his broadcast last night, with a particularly mocking and cynical tone used for the bolded words:
This is all part of a new leadership effort by Iran - suddenly claiming they don't want nuclear weapons! ; what they want is talks and transparency and good will. And while that would be enough to define a whole new era, skepticism is high and there's a good reason for it."
Yes, Iran's claim that they don't want nuclear weapons sure is "sudden" - if you pretend that virtually everything that they've said on that question for the past ten years does not exist. Here, for instance,....... 

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