
Iran and the Nuclear deal

How Iran and world powers finally got to yes on a nuclear deal | Al Jazeera America:
Under the deal hammered out between Iran and the U.S., France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia, Tehran agreed to what President Barack Obama called “substantial limitations” on its nuclear program in return for “modest relief” of sanctions that have harshly impacted the Iranian economy. The agreement covers a six-month period, during which the parties hope to establish momentum for a more far-reaching deal.
I've never been a Kerry fan but I think Obama's decision to hand him the job was a good move to outflank AIPAC. I don't think Hillary, or any US pol with a eye on a future office, could have ever pulled this off. The pressure from the lobby would have been to great. Kerry isn't running again so has nothing to lose. AIPAC's power was neutralized.

However, they will be pissed,.... I'd expect some "Iranian Terrorism" in the next six months.

'via Blog this'

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