
Revolution in the Air?

A good post here:   Modern Violence, Resistance and the Calculus of Revolution | Ian Welsh:

"The best way of overthrowing a state is to undermine belief in it and replace that belief with belief in something new and something better.  Do those things, and while some violence may be necessary, you will find when push comes to shove that the state is rotten and can hardly fight, because those running it do not believe in it and those fighting against it are fighting for something not just against something. Absent powerful external enemies, belief is what makes states, and it what destroys them, and even in cases where there are external enemies, great nations tend to rot from within before falling to outside foes, if they do not renew themselves first."

Our political parties have degenerated to the point where the out-of-power party spends most of its time and effort undermining the public's belief in the system. The R's pushed it hard under Clinton though a lot was directed at destroying the Clinton's personally. The D's spent their time de-legitimizing the Bush regime over the botched election process and the war lies. The R's took it to new levels with their hate of the socialist, Kenyan, Muslim and I'd expect more of the same if Hillary wins the next election. It's also a pretty good bet that the D's would attack any Republican president in the same way. Currently, very few people I meet have any faith in our leaders or system. They have us on a very dangerous path.

'via Blog this'

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