
The Boycott Against Israel

Former Ambassador Asks U.S. to Criminalize Support for Boycott Against Israel | MyFDL:

1.  We don’t send hundreds of billions of American tax dollars to the North Koreans so that they can drop or shoot white phosphorus onto schools and hospitals
2.  We don’t write tax policies that enable the Han Chinese to invest in housing projects that eject Tibetans from their homes in Lhasa. 
3.  We don’t have a State Department chief spokesperson whose husband developed an expansionist policy paper for the Iranian government. 
4.  We don’t cater to lobbyists from Sudan who constantly encourage us to go to all-out war against a neighboring country that hasn’t attacked one of their neighbors in generations. 
5.  We don’t have a Pentagon whose offices are stuffed with people with dual Somali-American citizenship, who manufacture false premises to march us into a series of wars in the heart of Africa. 
6.  We aren’t experiencing a time when a small group of ruthless Burmese generals and politicians have hijacked Buddhism, turning it into a militant version of what had once been a great religion, and branding anyone who doesn’t believe in a Myanmar expansion version of Buddhism as anti-Burmese or anti-Buddhist. 
7.  Additionally, no North Korean, Chinese, Sudanese, Burmese or Somali general, politician, general or warlord is openly bragging that the United States is fighting two wars and threatening to start a third one, on their behalf. 
8.  The Prime Ministers of Egypt, Syria, Tunisia or Libya have not appeared in American political ads in the most recently run national election, advocating openly against the incumbent president. 
9.  Also, and importantly, there is no large body of American people who openly believe that we need to foster violence in North Korea, Tibet, China, Somalia, Venezuela, Cuba, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iran or Burma, so that we may enable the second coming of Jesus Christ, and implement a new age. And there is no cynical tie-in between Columbian politicians who hope to bring money to their country because of some apocalyptic religious myth, and American fundamentalist sects who total in the tens of millions of misguided believers.

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