

Bodyguard of Zombies, Counterattack by Cockroaches - NYTimes.com:

Inequality is a clear though not at all unique example. Consider three arguments one might make against 21st-century populism: 
1. Inequality isn’t increasing.
2. OK, inequality is increasing, but it’s not a problem.
3. OK, it would be nice to have lower inequality, but any proposed solutions would do more harm than good. 
Which of these arguments does the right choose, when making its stand? The answer is, all three. 
Argument 1 faded away briefly when the CBO published its landmark study documenting the rise of the one percent, but as we’ve just seen, it’s back (this is an illustration of the concept of cockroach ideas.) Argument 2 doesn’t stand up under scrutiny, but it just keeps being made anyway — it’s a zombie. But meanwhile, argument 3 is made against anyone like, say, the new mayor of New York who proposes even the slightest effort to equalize opportunity.
This kind of thing flummoxes many people, who imagine that we’re having a real debate. It makes perfect sense, however, once you realize that the other side here isn’t engaged in good-faith argument, just looking for anything that comes to hand, with no regard for consistency.

Mr Krugman list three right-wing arguments against inequality but there is another.

4. Blame it on Obama and those damned liberals

Last night (Jan 2, 2014) on Fox News, analysts Krauthammer and George Will blamed inequality on Obama and the Democrats explaining that inequality had increased dramatically during the current administration and that liberal policies were responsible. The evil Dr. K made the claim again about an hour later on the O'Reilly show.

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