
Insider Trading Bubble

An insider-trading bubble? Seems there may have been more than just a housing bubble back in 2007. (emphasis is mine)

Why SAC Capital's Steven Cohen Isn't in Jail - Businessweek:
 "Government investigators say that by the end of 2007, trading on inside information had permeated the hedge fund industry, fed by expert-networking firms which connected traders with insiders at public companies who could leak them valuable data. But the 2008 financial crisis threw sand on some of the government’s plans. The market became so volatile, and so many funds lost money, that it became pointless to try to press charges over trades that investigators were convinced were illegal but ultimately didn’t yield any profits, according to people connected with the investigation. If 2008 hadn’t happened, some of them believe, they might have actually captured their white whale—Cohen—and many other targets."
'via Blog this'

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