
Stanley Fischer and the FED

We don't need an old, foreign, white, banker guy as the number two in charge of the US money supply. This appointment would be worse than putting Larry Summers in the #1 slot.

AIPAC’s Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath Against Iran by Grant Smith -- Antiwar.com:

Appointing an openly dual Israeli-American citizen into the most important central bank in the world could be a watershed moment. While the doors of federal government have long swung open for Israel-lobby appointees focusing most – if not all – their energies on advancing the interests of a foreign state, any who were actually Israeli dual citizens have traditionally kept that a closely-guarded secret. Fischer’s long-term boosters, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), likely want to accustom Americans to openly dual citizens circulating between top roles in the U.S. and Israeli governments. A closer examination of Fischer reveals that average Americans have good reason to oppose his appointment, because his lifelong achievements for Israel have imposed high costs and few benefits to the United States while making peace more difficult to achieve.

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