
War on Christians?

Christians killed for their faith.
The United States-based group reported increasing violence against Christians in Africa and said radical Muslims were the main source of persecution in 36 countries on its list. 
"Islamist extremism is the worst persecutor of the worldwide church,"
Rand Paul thinks the media is ignoring the war on Christians
“Christians are being attacked around the world, but you won’t hear much about it on the evening news because the answer’s not convenient,” Paul continued. “It doesn’t fit the narrative we have been told about radical Islam. The president tries to gloss over who’s attacking and killing Christians. The media describes the killings as sectarian. But the truth is, a worldwide war on Christians is being waged by a fanatical element of Islam.”
But those Christians can do some killing too.

Bodies burnt in CAR lynching - Africa - Al Jazeera English:
"Two Muslim men have been lynched in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, in the latest attack amid worsening sectarian divide and bloody anarchy. A Christian mob, which suspected that the two men were involved in another case of sectarian violence, set upon the men and killed them on Sunday morning. Their dead bodies were dragged through the streets and burnt in a public square."

A Christian mob... I wonder if that will be reported in the US media?

Who's ignoring who,.. Mr Paul? Of course Mitch Daniels and Sarah Palin think all evil is committed by atheists.

damned idiots, all of them.

'via Blog this'

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