
Nye vs Ham

A few links on the Bill Nye (science-guy) vs Ken Ham (Religious Hack) debate.

from Gin and Tacos
What Bill Nye did on Tuesday evening was to dignify a ludicrous argument from ludicrous people with a debate, serving largely to give creationists a platform to throw their bullshit at a large audience and to generally create the impression that this issue is up for debate. The odds of someone being persuaded by the logic of Mr. Nye's argument seem to be lower than the odds of some gullible professional skeptic – the kind that buys into 9-11 conspiracy theories because of a 3-minute YouTube video – being persuaded by a snippet of "But radiocarbon dating is unreliable!" water-muddying from a group that combines the smugness of lobbyists with the terrifyingly dead eyes of a religious zealot.

The Mercury-News calls creationist-hack Ken Ham a scientist. 
Tom Foreman of CNN moderated the dignified discussion between the two scientists. Ham won an earlier coin toss and presented his five-minute opening statement first.
tnb here... Ham an Scientist? Wikipedia says Ham has a " Bachelor of Applied Science, with an emphasis in Environmental Biology, at Queensland Institute of Technology and a diploma in Education from the University of Queensland."  but he sure doesn't sound like a scientist to me.

Dangerous Minds nails it...

Dangerous Minds | Unserious answers to serious questions from creationists:


Marcotte: It’s true, this one is a stumper. Some say that the sunset is caused because the sun god who rides his chariot through the sky every day crash lands on the ground, only to be reborn in the sunset, gently expelled by Mother Earth in a ray of light every morning. Some say the sun is a giant fireball God throws across the sky that explodes every night. Scientists clearly have no explanation, which goes to show that they are full of shit.

'via Blog this'

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