
War on terrorism

This is from the UK but there are similar ideas afoot in the US.

Greatest Threat to Free Speech Comes Not From Terrorism, But From Those Claiming to Fight It - The Intercept:

War on terrorism is a lot like the war on drugs

Like drug laws, It's not really the drugs they care about, it's who's drugs. The medical industry can sell oxycotin and kill lots of people every year but if I sell some pot, which has never killed anyone, I can go to jail.

And,.. like the drug laws, the harm caused to the majority of those affected by the "war on" is really due to the laws created to fight that war and not by the "enemy" themselves.


At some point they really need to stop calling it " the war on terrorism" and call it what it really is "a war on Islam" Do you think they would use this to hush all those evangelical preachers who hammer on Obama every Sunday.
It will also contain new powers to close premises including mosques where extremists seek to influence others. The powers of the Charity Commission to root out charities that misappropriate funds towards extremism and terrorism will also be strengthened.
or this to stop those Tea-Bagger, Evangelical types from brainwashing our young minds.
They would include a ban on broadcasting and a requirement to submit to the police in advance any proposed publication on the web and social media or in print. The bill will also contain plans for banning orders for extremist organisations which seek to undermine democracy or use hate speech in public places, but it will fall short of banning on the grounds of provoking hatred.
It ain't about preaching hate, It's about who you hate.

'via Blog this'

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