
Hillary Clinton Emails

Hillary Clinton on the Sanctity of Protecting Classified Information:

Manning was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison. At the time, the only thing Hillary Clinton had to say about that was to issue a sermon about how classified information “deserves to be protected and we will continue to take necessary steps to do so” because it “affect[s] the security of individuals and relationships.” 
That was during the time that she had covertly installed a non-government server and was using it and a personal email account to receive classified and, apparently, even top-secret information. While there’s no evidence she herself placed those documents on the server or sent them herself, it is her use of a personal server and email account that — quite predictably — caused the vulnerability.

The Ds have a pending disaster here.

HRC is a very risky candidate in my opinion. The Clinton slimey-ness runs so deep and for so many years that there is just an endless stream of  mud for the wingers to sling. This isn't email thing isn't looking good and if the Rs can string it out, the Ds could wake up late in the election cycle with HRC so scandal-ridden that the middle-ground voters have to choose between voting for one of the clown-car candidates or just staying home.

Damn,... our system is screwed up. It's no wonder Trump-like candidates keep popping-up.

I know I don't see any HRC votes in my future. Go Bernie.

'via Blog this'

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