
Fake news or Propaganda?

A biased poll question designed to lead to the "right" answer.

From the "liberal" Harvard, picked up and promoted by conservative media.

War Hawks are everywhere.

Harvard Poll On Renegotiating Iran Nuclear Deal Used “Blatantly Biased Question”:

Over the last week, stories reported by media outlets such as The Hill, Breitbart, Conservative Review, and The Tower purported to show that a strong majority of Americans supported renegotiating the deal. Citing a Harvard-Harris poll — part of a project co-directed by Mark Penn, a pollster and political strategist — the reports said that 70 percent of respondents believed the U.S. should renegotiate the accord, including 85 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of Democrats. Although the story briefly went viral on right-wing media outlets and among opponents of the deal, a closer examination of the poll question on which these findings are based raises credibility questions about the results.

“This is a blatantly biased question. It is about as bad as it gets.”
Experts on political polling expressed shock at the framing of the Harvard-Harris poll questions underlying the reports of public opinion. “This is a blatantly biased question,” said Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist at Emory University. “It is about as bad as it gets — whoever designed this survey was clearly aiming to produce a finding that the public wants to renegotiate the deal.”

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