
Our Wars

Were Wars Bloodier and Longer When We Had Conscription? | The American Conservative:
"The U.S. starts and joins so many wars that it could avoid because of a political culture that applauds “action” and a foreign policy establishment that fetishizes “leadership” regardless of the consequences. Because U.S. interests are so broadly defined that they practically cover the entire globe, joining almost any conflict can be spun as a “defense” of those interests despite the fact that it is usually a war of choice that has nothing to do with self-defense. Minor and manageable threats are routinely blown out of proportion and dubbed “existential” without any justification. Preventive war is treated as a normal, legitimate policy option instead of the crime that it is. Until all these things have been significantly changed, it won’t make any difference whether we have a military full of conscripts or an all-volunteer force. Our leaders will continue to take us into wars that have nothing to do with the security of the United States."

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