
Largest Employers in the U.S.

Walmart is number one in 22 states with health care (12) and education (11) next in line. So, in all but five states the largest employer is Walmart, or a health care or education provider.

Walmart is well known for jobs that people can't live on.

Education and health care both provide pretty good jobs and benefits but they are the two industries with the highest rates of inflation over the last 30 years and are basically driving working class people bankrupt or deep into debt as we try to pay for their services.

All three depend on the government for a lot of support.

Walmart depends a lot on the government to take care of its low wage/minimal benefit employees with health care, food, and other support not to mention the billions of social security and other support dollars their customer spend at the stores.

Public universities are mostly tax exempt and were built and live on taxpayer dollars plus government guaranteed student loans.

Health care provider are also often tax exempt and live off of the various government medical payment programs.

I'm pretty sure all three are spending plenty trying keep government out of their business while accepting every government dollar they can get.

Walmart Nation: Mapping the Largest Employers in the U.S.:

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