Iran link to al Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda before September 11 terror attacks raised in CIA documents from raid - CBS News:
It's thinly sourced from Dubai by the very anti Iran, pro-Israel lobby group the , Foundation for Defense of Democracies".
See more about Foundation for Defense of Democracies here: The Little Think Tank That Could -
As best I can tell they are the original source.....again about as pro-Isreali/Anti Iran as you can get.
I watched the story spread most of the day (Nov 2). Originally only CBS had it. Then NBC, Then Newsweek so its slowly making the rounds from it's original Dubai source.
Other hightlights:
The headline is more suggestive than the article probably to send the right message in headline news feeds.
The details sounds sketchy: "The CIA gave the Long War Journal early access to the material" and "The unsigned 19-page report". Really, the CIA released a report to a pro Israeli lobby instead of to normal channels?
The "original CIA report" has now been taken down. (reportedly, from the CBS link) so nothing can be verified.
The CIA later issued a warning about the files on its website, saying that since the material "was seized from a terrorist organization ... there is no absolute guarantee that all malware has been removed." The CIA then took down the files entirely early Thursday, saying they were "temporarily unavailable pending resolution of a technical issue."
"We are working to make the material available again as soon as possible," the CIA said.
So........Someone thinks that
although Osama and most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis
and we were tricked into attacking Iraq because Saddam backed Al-Qaeda
they can trick us into attacking Iran because now Iran backed Al-Qaeda
Pure propaganda.. CBS, NBC and other US news sources have to know that this is BS.
This is fake news. Fake news designed to push US opinion towards a war with Iran.
'via Blog this'
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