

Medicare for All

The response to Trumps Medicare for All Op-ed


" .. [the] further up the hierarchy one goes, the longer it takes to identify merit, and so the more chance shysters and bluffers have of thriving."
Also, from Wikipedia ... "The Dilbert principle is a concept in management developed by Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, which states that companies tend to systematically promote incompetent employees to management to get them out of the workflow. The Dilbert principle is inspired by the Peter principle, which holds that employees are promoted based on success in their current position until they reach their "level of incompetence" and are no longer promoted." 


On the guy that owns the Republicans: Sheldon Adelson. He admits he's a one issue guy, Israel but the article drones on about casinos.

I guess he's pumping even more to the R's. From Politico yesterday. Adelson drops tens of millions more to save the GOP Congress


Brazil is looking at a scary future. Imagine the US being run a mix of Trump and this guy.

I guess it's not much worse than the most powerful nation on the planet being headed by this group. 

I wonder who will be responsible for more death and destruction over the next few years?

Also this from the BBC.  Donald Trump and a world of disorder


From Fox Propaganda's front page on 2018-10-12. This alone should end Marc Thiessen's career.

Once were good

Now we're complicit in the the murder of a journalist.

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