
Christmas Eve

Ho.  Ho.

The Middle East

On Syria - Trump gets it (half) right  and  TIME TO GET OUT OF SYRIA.  I have to agree, as Atrios said...
Whatever the brain worms are telling him, I'm pretty sure that I'd generally prefer Donald Trump be running Not War instead of War, almost no matter what.

NETANYAHU REVEALS WHO TRUMP MAKES DEALS WITH - What will US Evangelicals think? They supported Trump because of Israel, now they may have to choose one. Really though, I expect trump to welsh on the Syrian pullout so it may be a non-issue.

Ruling by Media

Hugh Hewitt: Trump Should Channel Rush Limbaugh Because Of His Audience Size  - Nothing really new here, Republican outreach and policy development has been through right-wing radio and Fox News since the early Clinton years. Trump is just one converted believer who looked presidential enough on TV to get elected. Bill O'Reilly could have beat HRC too. The R's are supported by the Right-wing media cult.

Sports and Life

On being great - A paper on great swimmers that applies to all sports and life in general. Worth the read.


Like a cancer:’ Rio militias grow, control swaths of city
"Part of the challenge of combating militias is their deep connections in law enforcement ranks"
This will be a problem in the US someday. For the last twenty years, we've been training people in military tactics in the middle east, glorifying guns and the military here at home, then allowing a slow but steady flow of equipment, tactics, and people back into US police forces. Militarized police and militias will be a problem someday if we don't get control soon.


John Bolton Says He Wants to Protect Africa from ‘Predatory’ Chinese Behavior. What About Washington’s? - Africa may be capitalism's last supply of cheap labor.

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