


Here’s a Fox article, (not the video I didn’t watch it.) from a front page headline that is absolute BS just designed to scare people.

The 3 points are all BS designed to scare people.
  1. Americans enjoy eating food.
    1. Hinting that…. You’ll starve under socialism
  2. Americans don't want to be equally poor
    1. Hinting …..You’ll be poor under socialism
  3. Freedom of speech matters
    1. Later line says….. under the threat of torture for speaking out.

No one…. Not one….  of the Democratic socialists has ever called for anything like this. Even the most radical people I read, and some are way out there, are not calling for this.

They simply want to expand some existing programs to help take care of people.
Medicare for all, public education, cleaner environment, Less military spending. Again the European model.

Fox jumps right to some scary, imagined, full-communist vision that no one is suggesting and never mentions the European version that really does work.

Fox should have it’s “News” designation taken away for this alone.

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