

The kids are all right

Democratic party elites silence Ilhan Omar at their peril: The congresswoman’s foreign policy views are far more in line with voters than the disconnected party establishment
If Democratic leaders were incredulous at Omar’s statements, rank-and-file Democrats were just as incredulous at their party leaders. Why, many asked, is it routine to criticize the influence of NRA money but almost forbidden to question the influence of Aipac money? On top of that, how could Trump’s neocon criminal be lauded as some sort of ally while Omar was treated as a pariah? 
Democrats need to have a real conversation, immediately, about the party’s values and goals in foreign policy. Squelch it now and watch it resurge in 2020, with Trump the beneficiary.

Medicare for All

Jayapal Says Medicare for All Bill Coming in Two Weeks as Expert Calls Plan 'Astonishingly Strong'

Tell Your Congress-Rat to support it. Support Medicare for all


The Route of a Text Message, a Love Story: The surprisingly complex journey a text message takes every time we hit 'send.'

They missed the local police department stinger and the NSA


Al Qaeda-linked jihadists kill 21 Syrian soldiers near Idlib province - I guess if we call them Al Qaeda, we can claim we've defeated ISIS.

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