


About that Pandemic Video

The Pandemic video was all over my Teabagistan Facebook feed. YouTube and Facebook pulled the video and now my Teabagistan Facebook feed is filled with "News" articles with links to the video setting on other servers.

Do I report these as FALSE NEWS? HATE?

Facebook needs a way to report "Misinformation".


When science conflicts with your beliefs, just turn the science off. Stupid fuckers.

State health department tells university COVID-19 modeling team to stop work, limits data access10

Smell the Freedom

Anti-Mask Snowflakes Of The Right - A quote below but the whole thing is good.
"Oh for Pete’s sake. Late last year, I sat in a shabby apartment in Moscow, interviewing an elderly man whose father was tortured and executed by the KGB, and who, as a 15-year-old boy, was taken into custody by the KGB one night, and thrown into a prison for years. He cried telling me the story. And now I have to read my local newspaper conservative whine about how we’re living in a police state because of the stupid mask he has to wear when he goes out to buy a six-pack." 

Trump and Russia

Trump’s Transition Team Colluded With Israel. Why Isn’t That News?

Trump and Leadership
"What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now, who are scared?” he asked. Trump refused the opportunity to utter some words of comfort, instead launching into a tirade in which he said the journalist was a "terrible reporter" and that it was a "very nasty question."
More proof Trump is just a dick. 
found here: As Bethany Mandel's 'grandma killer' tweet proves, vice-signaling is the right's newest and most toxic trend


Biden Sides With Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo in Backing Coup Effort in Venezuela - And the Ds want us to be excited to vote for this guy?


Back to Work

Functional Fear Predicts Public Health Compliance in the COVID-19 Pandemic
.. the only predictor of positive behavior change (e.g., social distancing, improved hand hygiene) was fear of COVID-19,
but what if propaganda convinces the rubes that there is nothing to fear? 

You can open the Olive Gardens but you can't make them go.

Americans Didn’t Wait For Their Governors To Tell Them To Stay Home Because Of COVID-19

Cartoonist David Horsey is good.

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