
Sunday AM


This is the guy who helped convince evangelicals that they should back Trump.

Jerry Falwell Jr.'s fatal miscalculation

Business partner of Falwells says affair with evangelical power couple spanned seven years

Media - Making it up for Power and Profits

Killing the Truth - Pretty good read here.

Media - David Brooks

Trump and the Politics of ‘Mean World’

Police State

The White House Is Openly Threatening a Journalist With a 'Dossier'

Media - Facebook

What if Facebook Is the Real ‘Silent Majority’?

My Facebook feed, driven by people I went to school with, work with, or socialize with, basically Teabagistan natives, is almost exactly as described in the article. My Twitter feed is based more on national figures, economists, finance people and things I'm interested in and is the polar opposite.

I report a lot of Facebook posts but FB doesn't have a good reporting description for a lot of them. I generally use "Fake News" or  "Hate" but a lot of the posts have a grain of truth but are designed to misinform. They need a "Misinformation button" and people need to use it.


Related to the FB post above. 

I get the feeling Trump isn't going to run as strong out here as he did the last time. I've been doing regular 100 to 150 mile loops through the Teabagistan countryside and I'm not seeing nearly as many Trump signs as I did in 2016. When I do see one, there are usually multiple Trump signs and often Confederate or "Don't Tread on me" flags flying alongside. I get the feeling there are fewer Trump supporters overall but the remaining are deeper into the cult than ever.

Still, I don't think there's any doubt he'll win the Teabagistan vote. 

I've only found one house with a Biden/Harris sign but on a slightly positive note, I haven't seen any of the hateful "lock her up" or "Hillary for prison" signs this this time. They were a regular occurrence in 2016.

There's an odd mix to the Trump supporters. Many, and I'd guess over 50%, look very poor with crumbling houses, tarp covered roofs, worn out cars, confederate flag curtains, signs like "house protected by Smith and Wesson", big mean dogs, etc. Others include wealthy looking farms or recently built McMansions.

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