
Labor Day

Life Lesson #781

8 Personal Finance Lessons from Benjamin Franklin


A good read - The Wildest Insurance Fraud Scheme Texas Has Ever Seen

Larry Flynt: My Final Farewell to the Falwells

If there is one person who could be said to have lifted the orange buffoon over the hump in 2016, it’s arguably Jerry Falwell Jr. The evangelical base, crucial for the election of any national GOP politician, was not warming up to Trump in the primaries, for good reason. Here was a man who had violated almost every principle of the Christian faith: he was married three times; accused of multiple extramarital affairs; repeatedly defrauded investors, contractors, and students; habitually lied; and practiced thinly disguised sexism and racism.

But Jerry Jr. assured his nervous flock that Trump “lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the great commandment.” After the Access Hollywood tape came out, with Trump bragging about grabbing women’s pussies with impunity because he’s a rich bastard, the flock started getting cold feet again. But Jerry Jr. came galloping to the rescue with these choice bits of flimflammery: “God called King David a man after God’s own heart even though he was an adulterer and a murderer. You have to choose the leader that would make the best king or president and not necessarily someone who would be a good pastor.” And this: “It’s such a distortion of the teachings of Jesus to say that what he taught us to do personally—to love our neighbors as ourselves, help the poor—can somehow be imputed on a nation. Jesus never told Caesar how to run Rome.”


Why Trump Supporters Can’t Admit Who He Really Is: Nothing bonds a group more tightly than a common enemy that is perceived as a mortal threat.

Not a word about how Fox News and right-wing media planted that hate in their listeners minds long before Trump.

Fox - Doing It Today (9/6/2020)

Working from Home

The commuters are revolting

Remote Work Is Killing the Hidden Trillion-Dollar Office Economy

And with that, tens of thousands of workers in the office support economy — those who “feed, transport, clothe, entertain, and shelter people when they are not in their own homes” — will lose their jobs.


Why are so many people focussing on the negatives of working from home? It is a great opportunity to reduce transport emissions, stop spread of disease through commuting and mingling at work/in city centres, and provides a more flexible and family-friendly working environment.

To this we should add that whilst WFH does depress demand for retail businesses close to offices, it should boost it in those near where we live, and revive local high streets. The money that home-workers save on commuting and on Pret’s sandwiches can be spent nearer home.


We're #1 - So much winning


More taxes on the rich and more unions for the poor would be a good start. Found Here

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