
Silencing the Right?

The Rude Pundit nails the Fox News cult members for ignoring the violence and claiming to be silenced.

The Rude Pundit: Hawley, Greene, and the Erasure of Violence on Right (emphasis mine)

"Then Hawley and Hannity jerked each other off for a few minutes about how all those entities are engaged in an effort "to try to censor all dissent, to try to shut down all opposition to try to silence half of America," as Hawley hawed to millions of viewers non-silently"


"That's why he should be kicked out of the Senate. Not because he "happens to have a view," but because he cheered on an insurrection and then was a syphilitic cock about it after. And it's fucking rich to see Hawley talk about a "liberal mob" when it was a real mob, some with actual pitchforks, that stormed the joint where he works."

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