
US, Israel and Iran

 A couple things of note in this.

The real message Netanyahu should take from Biden's phone call

The Israelis are working hard to shape US policy.

As is already known, every other level of government has been working with its US counterpart, despite there being no direct contact between the White House and the Prime Minister’s Office.

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi has spoken a number of times with Secretary of State Antony Blinken; Defense Minister Benny Gantz has had conversations with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin; National Security Council chief Meir Ben-Shabbat has talked frequently with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan; and Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, commander of CENTCOM, was in Israel just a few weeks ago for high-level talks.

Moreover, Israel’s newly installed ambassador to the US, Gilad Erdan, just this past week downplayed the importance of the call, noting that while the media was focused on the Israeli-US switchboards, he was already in touch daily with senior members of the Biden administration.

Obama's agreement with Iran was working. Trump and Netanyahu fucked it up. 

A look at where Iran is today – with increased stockpiles of uranium and centrifuges – raises questions whether the speech or pushing Trump to quit the JCPOA was even worth it.

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