
Why don’t Americans take the law seriously any more?

Why don’t Americans take the law seriously any more?

It's hard to take laws seriously when they are applied differently based on who you are or how much money or power you have.

  • Rich, powerful, white people get away with actions that would put normal people in jail.  
  • Cops can beat or even kill people and not be prosecuted.
  • Corporations break laws regularly and get a fine while normal people go to jail for petty crimes.
  • Drugs preferred by powerful, mostly white people are legal while drugs preferred by the poor are not. Thousands of people are setting in jail for pot related crimes while prescription drugs and alcohol are legal and more dangerous.
  • Congress can insider trade but others can't.
  • Hedge funds and banks can manipulate markets but others can't.
This list can go on and on.

Hell, the fucking president, a few crazy lawyers, and the conservative propaganda network just spent several weeks flat-out lying to their supporters about a stolen election that came damned close to sparking a civil war and though Trump was impeached for his part, it's looking like the only people who are going to jail are the people they urged to take action. 

Out here in Teabagistan, a few years ago, a county cop leaves his gun out, one of his young kids gets it and kills his other kid. No charges are filed and it's described in the newspaper as a tragic accident that happened to a good family.

Within three months of that, in the same state just a few counties away,...two different families have the same thing happen, a kid accidentally shoots themselves with the parent's gun and in both cases they are prosecuted and do some jail time. The difference, neither was a cop.

Hell, 70 miles away, same state, at about the same time, a mom was caught driving drunk with her kid in the car. She was arrested, put in jail, and had the kid taken away (temporarily, I think). No accident, no one was hurt, no dead kid, just broke the law.

Laws in this country are just for the lower, less-powerful classes.

It's god-damned hard to take that kind of shit seriously.

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