
Fox Propaganda

 Fox had this on the front page today.


The headline for both articles hint that AOC ordered the visit but deep in both stories they quote the capital police saying AOC had nothing to do with it, it was normal procedure.  

The California Highway Patrol told Fox News it often assists other law enforcement agencies, including the Capitol Police, when requested to help out in an investigation. They directed any questions to the Capitol Police, which is in charge of security for members of Congress.

The Capitol Police confirmed to Fox News that the Ocasio-Cortez did not flag any tweets from @queeralamode as threatening and police started this investigation as part of its regular effort to monitor threats.  

"USCP investigates all threats that are reported by Congressional offices. The Department also monitors open and classified sources to identify and investigate threats," the Capitol Police said in a statement to Fox News. "This is standard operating procedure for the Department. As it pertains to this incident, the Congresswomen did not request that USCP initiate an investigation."

Fox is just fueling the rage. They should not be allowed to call themselves "News".

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