
The Cult

SteveM at No More Mister Nice Blog nails one. 


"When you encourage Republican voters' grievances the way these people do, you make it seem reasonable to suppress the votes of Democrats, or even overturn elections Democrats win. The Republican Party -- and the billionaires who back it -- benefit greatly from that. It's not fun and games."

Encouraging conservative's grievances has been the main point of talk-radio and Fox News for years. Combine that with the notion that all other media are lying and you have,...  a cult. Not all Republicans are true-believer cult members but the cult has taken over and is directing the party.

A Stonekettle Station rant along the same lines. 

"It can survive a lot of things, but when those elected to run it become an endless parade of blustering angry simpletons cheered by the proudly ignorant shouting mob, well, then the end isn't far away."

Everyone should read both.


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