
Democrats vs Republicans

Why Democrats Keep Losing Culture Wars 

Five Thirty Eight on how the Republican positions on abortion and critical race theory are mostly based on false information but the Democrats can't effectively counter them.

I would add that there are many other issues like these, including..

  • The Debt
    • Rs increase. Ds increase it. The people don't understand it's not like a household budget but it's only an issue when the D's are in charge.
  • Immigrant caravans.
  • Immigrant caravans including terrorists.
    • There always seems to be a few caravans on the way during election time sometimes with Middle Eastern terrorist in tow. 
    • Makes a great headline on Fox.
  • Cutting Taxes is always good.
    • R's think cutting taxes is the answer to every economic problem.
    • The D's don't have a good answer because their donors want lower taxes too.
  • Crime is out of control. 
    • High crime rate talk is always running wild when the R's or the police need it to be. 
  • The Liberal Media.
    • The Rs have convinced the country that all not-conservative media is liberal and lying despite the fact that CNN and even MSNBC never saw a war they didn't like and would never promote true socialist ideas like universal healthcare, free education, really taxing the rich, or any other non-free market slightly socialist idea. And again, the D donors support this too. Just ask Bernie.
  • What's good for Business is good for America.
    • This might have been true when small business ruled the American landscape but with multinational corporations dominating the business world what's good for business is good for rich corporate shareholders around the world and not necessarily good for working class people in the US.
  •  Big Government is bad but big business is good.
    • Big government sucks because the Rs are completely against it and work to make it bad. The D's can't really give the people a good working government because a lot of that would go against their donors wishes.
    • Most Americans think big business sucks too but for some reason blame the government for our crappy big business.
  • Federal Government is bad but State government is good.
    • Rs continually bash the Federal government while pushing power to the states. Ds never make the argument that state government can be more oppressive than the feds. 

Ultimately, I think the main D problem is they are the wing of the corporate party that is supposed to be seen as working for the people but they can't enact any legislation that really helps people because it would be at the expense their owners so,.. they just fuck around at the margins and blame their failures on the Rs.

We need more social democrats!







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