

I read MishTalk, a top financial blog by Mike "Mish" Shedlock most days. He's decent on financial and economic topics though admittedly very libertarian/Austrian. He's Anti-Trump but only because he thinks Trump may cost the Republicans the election.

Still, Mish's finance/economic takes are usually interesting but he can get out there. 

This dramatic headline caught my attention.

Vote for Harris if You Want Radical Racial Indoctrination of Your Kids

Beginning in kindergarten, the state’s schoolchildren will be indoctrinated in radical racial ideology.

The Wall Street Journal reports Tim Walz Brings ‘Liberated’ Ethnic Studies to Minnesota

My problem is with "The Wall Street Journal reports ..." line.

The WSJ is NOT reporting this. 

It is an WSJ opinion/commentary piece by Katherine Kersten founding member of The Center of the American Experiment, a Minnesota-based think tank that advocates for conservative and free-market principles including opposing gay marriage,  promoting school vouchers and opposing affirmative action.

It is a hit piece on Tim Walz by conservative operatives NOT a WSJ report.

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